Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Student Writes to Steve Jobs, Gets Free Final Cut Studio 2

Sometimes Xmas comes earlier and when you less expect it: A Greenwich High School student wrote a letter directly to Mr. Jobs himself asking politely for an student discount on Final Cut Studio 2. Two weeks later, he got way more than he wanted, shipped directly from Cupertino.
The student, a long-time Gizmodo reader and tipster—who is not John Mayer—told me today the story, which is one of those cool little IT tales that makes you smile and want to hug Steve Jobs and two hundred kittens at the same time. Cotton candy and chocolate kittens. Or maybe just hug Steve and eat the kittens. Here's his original mail:
And here's Apple's reply, straight from Richard Townhill, Director, Pro Video Product Marketing.
For sure, a high school student with an 8-core Mac Pro doesn't look in need for a free copy of FCS2, but hey, up high for His Steveness and his generosity fostering future generations of Woody Allens and Martin Scorseses.

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