Tuesday, January 13, 2009

LEGO Digital Camera and MP3 Players?

One Word: Yes. Looks like kids don't play with plastics blocks anymore. Therefore it seems Lego is moving on with the crowd, and offering different consumer electronics like Digital Cameras, Video Cameras, Walkie-Talkie's and MP3 Players. Did I mention that they look like Lego's?

Anyways, The new LEGO product are scheduled for release this summer at price points of $19.99 to $59.99, so look out at your local Best Buy Toys'R'Us.

Josh's Verdict: I'm going get out my old LEGO set and build a camera!

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  1. Ahh! in Mong Kong they've been selling the lego brick MP3s and external hardrives that look like legos for a while now!!


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